Software Installation
Some computer programs can be executed simply by clicking the setup.exe, others by copying them into a folder stored on a computer and executing them. Other programs are supplied in a form unsuitable for immediate execution and therefore need an installation procedure. Once installed, the program can be executed again and again, without the need to reinstall before each execution.
TCG4U can provide software installation for you and eliminating the confusion for a smooth and install and execution on all your devices.
Operations performed during software installations include:
- Making sure that necessary system requirementsare met
- Checking for existing versions of the software
- Creating or updating program filesand folders
- Adding configuration data such as configuration files, Windows registry entries or environment variables
- Making the software accessible to the user, for instance by creating links, shortcuts or bookmarks
- Configuring components that run automatically, such as daemons or Windows services
- Performing product activation
- Updating the software versions
Some installers may attempt to trick users into installing junkware such as various forms of adware, toolbars, trialware or software of partnering companies. TCG4U prevent this, extra caution on what exactly is being asked to be installed is needed. The installation of additional software then can simply be skipped or unchecked (this may require the user to use the “custom”, “detailed” or “expert” version of the installation procedure).
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